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Agricultural sector, incl. animal husbandry, has to find better opportunities for selling high-quality and high-value products because of strong competition and volatile market prices of traditional products. Estonia, Latvia and Finland have good position in exporting of breeding materials and know-how outside EU, as Central-Baltic area has a leading role in animal breeding and reproduction. This is determined by its highly scientific and technological breeding industry.
The main objective of BreedExpo project is to support animal breeding and reproduction industry from CB area to enter into new markets- Uzbekistan, Turkey and Azerbaijan.
6 companies (incl. the cooperatives established by animal breeders) from Estonian, Latvian and Finnish animal breeding and reproduction sectors have achieved new sales/contracts in 3 new target market. These companies have all required certificates and capability for exporting breeding materials, animals and related know-how, accessories and equipment in selected target markets.
The target value will be achieved at latest one full year after project implementation. It is expected that these companies achieve the real sales and contracts with clients. They have been involved to the selection of the target markets.
Additionally ca 50 farmers capable to sell high-quality breeding animals benefit economically from selling the animals to selected new target markets in cooperation with breeding organizations and exporters, who buy the animals from farmers and arrange the delivery to the clients in target markets. So in reality much higher range of SME’s achieve new sales in target markets.
Duration 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025
Total budget
Programme priority
Innovative Business DevelopmentProgramme objective
PO1 - More exports by SMEsLead partner
The Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce
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