Baltic Impact Accelerator

The “Triple Bottom Line Baltic Impact Accelerator” (Baltic Impact Accelerator) tackles the challenges of new growth companies in the CB region by utilizing the Triple Bottom Line (3BL) methodology that enables more growth (Profit) with specific consideration towards environment (Planet) and society (People). As a result, the scaling-up of companies is tackled in three levels: Profit, Planet, People.

Over the period of 36 months, the project will implement an accelerator programme, that:
1.Develops new business models with focus on 3BL
2.Helps to establish presence outside home markets
3.Supports to raise investments for accelerated growth and
4.Nurtures consortiums and partnerships among companies
Within the three acceleration cohorts a total of 96 scale-up companies will be supported (32 per cohort) and out of these 96 companies, 48 will scale up. The project will implement open seminars and events, where a broader audience of companies is reached and upskilled in order to provide knowledge about the 3BL methodology. The project provides unique acceleration for scale-up companies both from the 3BL methodology perspective, as well as the regional set-up: scale-up companies are specifically scaled in another CB country in order to help the companies to establish a better presence outside their home market.

The “Baltic Impact Accelerator” project will achieve the following results:
-At least 720 (unique) companies reached
-At least 480 (unique)company applications received
-3 cohorts implemented with 32 companies per cohort
-480 individual trainings within the project provided to companies
-3 joint cross-border collaboration events (1 per cohort)
-3 demo-day events (online) – 1 per cohort

The total project budget is 1 976 082,83 EUR with an Interreg Central Baltic Programme contribution of 1 580 866,24 EUR, which is allocated among the five project partners implementing the project.

Expected results

By implementing the project an end-result of totally 48 up-scaled companies will be achieved. As the companies participating in the project are with different background, core business models and industries, the following values are used to measure when/if a company is up-scaled:
15% increase in revenue OR
10% increase in profit OR
5 additional employees OR
1 new CB market entered.
A participating company is counted towards the results “Number of scaled-up new growth companies” if one of the above values is achieved within 1 year after completion of the project. This “definition” is derived from the OECD, which says a company having an average annualized return of at least 20% in the past 3 years, and had at least 10 employees at the start of the 3 year period. Given the reduced timeframe, variety of companies participating and most importantly the 3BL and CB context of the project, the partners decided to use a more flexible, but still very relevant approach.

Duration 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2026

Total budget

Programme priority

Innovative Business Development

Programme objective

PO2 - More new scaled-up growth companies

Lead partner

Green and Smart Technology Cluster

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Baltic Impact AcceleratorGreen Tech ClusterLCCICleanTek EstoniaLUT UniversitySustainability InnoCenter

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