Programme bodies
Running the Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027 requires various organisational bodies to handle the different tasks of the programme. Below you can find the bodies and read more about their role in the programme implementation.
Managing Authority
Managing Authority (MA) is the body responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of the programme in accordance with the Programme Document and the relevant EU Regulations. The Managing Authority is also responsible for establishing the implementation systems, structures and procedures of the programme and to monitor the implementation of the programme and projects.
The Managing Authority of the Central Baltic Programme is the Regional Council of Southwest Finland.
Joint Secretariat
Joint Secretariat (JS) is responsible for the day-to-day management and implementation of the programme. The JS is where the project applicants and project partners get guidance and support in application and project-related matters. In the Central Baltic Programme, the Joint Secretariat is located at the Regional Council of Southwest Finland in Turku, Finland.
National Contact Points
The network of the national Central Baltic Contact Points is established to support the work of the Joint Secretariat and the Managing Authority in the programme countries. The national Contact Points deliver information about the programme to the regions and from the regions to the programme with the aim of raising interest towards the funding opportunity, helping in partner search as well as spreading out news and results of the funded projects.
The Contact Points are located in Helsinki, Mariehamn, Stockholm, Norrköping, Tallinn and Riga.
Monitoring Committee
The Monitoring Committee is composed of national, regional, local and social representatives of the participating countries/Åland and it takes decisions on the programme level, solves any irregularities and decides on the programme setup. It therefore needs to be kept informed of the progress towards programme objectives,
the status of programme finances and any problems in programme level bodies and procedures.
Audit Authority
The Audit Authority (AA) is the authority designated by the Member States/Åland, functioning independently from the Managing Authority and responsible for verifying the effective functioning of the management and control systems. The AA is assisted by a Group of Auditors from the countries/Åland participating in the programme. It develops an audit strategy according to which it carries out the inspection of the programme systems and procedures and of a selected sample of projects. Actual audits are sometimes contracted to audit firms.
The Audit Authority of the Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027 is the Regional Council of Southwest Finland.